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Lifestyle to adopt in order to reverse Sleep Apnea

T.I Ukende
views : 130

Sleep apnea is an inherently serious sleep disorder which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.

Based on available population based studies, sleep apnea occurs in about 25% of men and 10% of women, it is more common in men.

Sleep apnea can affect people of all ages, babies are not excluded and mostly people above the age of 50 and people who are overweight. This disorder significantly increases as one ages.

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

*Gasping for breath during sleep as a result of breathe seizing.

*Loud snoring

*Waking up dehydrated and with a dry mouth.

*Insomnia ( difficulty staying awake)

*Episodes in which one would stop breathing during sleep, if not noticed or reported by another person could lead to death.

*Headaches most especially in the morning

*Day time sleepiness.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is obesity and excess weight, this is associated with the soft tissue in the mouth and throat.

When sleeping the throat and tongue muscles are relaxed causing airway to be restricted.

How to treat sleep Apnea naturally

To fix sleep apnea one has to abide by the following:-

*Sleep on your back (your face should be up while sleeping) if you don’t sleep this way then you should learn this new sleep posture.

*Drink alcohol moderately but do not drink at all during bed time.

*Stop smoking

*Inculcate new lifestyle to lose weight if you’re overweight

*Regular exercise

*Use allergy medications or use a nasal decongestant

*Avoid taking sedatives like anxiety pills and sleeping pills

Sleep apnea if untreated can shorten one’s lifespan and can directly cause death, when a person breaths less frequent it creates immediate tissue ischemia (tissue death from lack of oxygen) resulting to a fatal heart attack or stroke.

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