Official Lumi Currency exchange rate against Dollar, Euro, Pound, Rand and Naira

T.I Ukende
views : 292

The LUMI currency is the official currency of the African Diaspora Sub-Region. The currency is pegged by 4 grains of gold in equivalent of 0.2592 and solar energy.

The official price of the LUMI digital currency as released by the SWIFIN wallet is pretty good for those who are beneficiaries of the LUMI currency stimulus.

LUMI has banknotes as well as digital equivalent (AKL). All digital assets are costly compare to their physical equivalent. Pound Sterling is cheaper than its digital equivalent (GBX), in the same way dollar is cheaper than its digital equivalent (USX) so is Euro and other currencies with digital equivalents.

Below is the official LUMI (AKL) currency exchange rate against the Dollar, Euro, Pound and Naira.

  • 1 AKL to Dollar = $15.96
  • 1 AKL to Euro   = € 12.99
  • 1 AKL to Pound= £ 11.13
  • 1 AKL to Naira = N 6,288
  • 1 AKL to Rand = R 212.09

We will update this article to cover all currencies of the world.

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Each time you try to transfer AKL on the SWIFIN wallet to another user of the same platform, select AKL as the currency to transfer then select any other Local currency of your choice and it will give you the official exchange rate.
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