NASIM released deployment date for N-Power Batch-C stream 2 beneficiaries

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The National Social Investment Management (NASIM) has released deployment date for the next batch of successful beneficiaries as the stream 1 may be exiting the program soon.

According to the information available on the NASIM verified Twitter handle “the National Social Investment Management Board has clearly stated that all shortlisted applicants of the N-Power Batch-C stream 2 who have been physically screened will be deployed to their various places of primary assignment between August 5th to August 15th.”

Beneficiaries of this stream are therefore expected to proceed to those places with their hard copies of the deployment letter and have them signed and stamped by the heads of those institutions where they are deployed to within three days.

The board also demands that all deployed beneficiaries should submit their acceptance letter on or before the 15th day of August.

How long would this batch serve the Nation?

Information available to Newsway unveiled that the beneficiaries of N-Power Batch-C stream 2 will serve for at least 12 months and their payments will definitely be initiated in the same month (August) too.

Any successful applicant who failed to upload their acceptance letter may not be paid.

When will the present batch (stream 1) exit the program?

According to rumour going round on social media, the N-Power Batch-C stream 1 will be extended to serve the Nation in their places of primary assignment for the next six months.

Newsway gathered that prior to this extension, N-Power Batch-C stream 1 beneficiaries would have exited the program by next month (August month).

In another event, the National Cash Transfer Office has postponed the earlier announced training of shortlisted applicants of the NG CARES.

The postponement was announced just yesterday when some of the Cash Transfer Facilitators (CTFs) who were mandated to train beneficiaries within their jurisdiction were already waiting in various training venues.

Earlier this week, the training manuals for the exercise were sent to all CTFs to go through the nine modules and train applicants on how to manage, invest and save money for old age.

Newsway gathered that the same manuals were used to train beneficiaries of the Conditional Cash Transfer last year.

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