LUMI CURRENCY: Three basic benefits of a Swifin Business account

LUMI CURRENCY: Three basic benefits of a Swifin Business account

Swifin is a Fintech company delivering e-commerce services and wallet for some digital currencies including the African Kingdoms Lumi (AKL).

In this article i will be highlighting key benefits of the Swifin various accounts including the business account. 

Why should anyone have a Swifin platform account?

Swifin as a Fintech company has been chosen by the Economic Community of the 6th African Region (ECO-6) to deliver it’s Lumi currency stimulus to beneficiaries across the African continent and the diaspora region.

It is important to have a Swifin account because that is the only way you can benefit from the Lumi currency stimulus. Swifin is the only platform through which beneficiaries can access the lumi currency stimulus.

READ ALSO; 3 Reasons why eco-6 LUMI is more valuable than the CBN’s eNaira

Swifin has various types of accounts for different purposes. 

An individual account:  which is designed to deliver Lumi currency to individuals without proper documentation. Any documents can be used to create this wallet account but because it has no proper documentation a limit of AKL 626 is then placed on the account.

Agent Account: Aside the individual account, Swifin also has an agent account. This account is particularly or specifically designed to meet the needs of customers who may access the Swifin services through a third-party person or entity on behalf of the (Swifin) company. This account has no limit and the account holder has certain commissions paid for any person the agent aided or refered through his Swifin ID number.

Business account: The Swifin Business account has many benefits surpassing the two mentioned above. I will be highlighting the basic benefits of a Swifin business account and also how you can create the account successfully.

Three basic Benefits of the Swifin Business account

1. A Swifin business account has no maximum cumulative balance.

2. With a Swifin business account you are entitled to receive a one-off loan amount of AKL 10,000.

3. Even with the Business account, you can still benefit from the monthly stimulus being paid every 28th of the month.

Now, I’m quite certain that you may wish to create this particular account. Though it may not be easy to get it done especially those that are yet to have a CAC certificate.

Requirements for a Swifin business account

To create a Swifin business account you need the following

1. Corporate Affair Certificate (CAC) for Nigerians only.

2. Proof of Business Address e.g NEPA bill.

3. Government issued ID Card for the owner of the business.

4. Facial snapshot (passport)

When the above are all in place, then you can proceed via the Swifin online platform or via the App depending on your preferred channel.


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