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BREAKING: NNPC to begin oil drilling in Bauchi and Gombe on Tuesday; says President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to witness the first drill

Grace Owell
views : 89

On Tuesday, Nigeria’s President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retired), will see the first crude oil being drilled in the Kolmani River II Well on the Upper Benue Trough in the Gongola Basin.

Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited officials announced that oil drilling operations at the Kolmani River, located in the Bauchi and Gombe fields, would begin in earnest after the official flag-off.

The Kolmani River II Well was found to contain hydrocarbon resources, the NNPC reported in October 2019.

The oil company claimed to have obtained 3D seismic data covering 435.54km2 of the Kolmani Prospect in the Upper Benue Trough and Gongola Basin.

According to a national oil company official who spoke on the condition of anonymity owing to lack of authorization, “the President is expected at the site on Tuesday to witness the first drilling of crude in the north.”

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