6 life-changing personal finance books you MUST READ in 2023

Abigail Ukende
views : 102

Some of us enjoy unwinding with a good novel that takes us to unfamiliar settings and into lifestyles that are different from our own. Others adore the chill that runs down your spine when you open a spooky ghost story that makes you second-guess turning out the light to go to bed.

However, there people who are always looking for ways to succeed, are searching for investment opportunities because they want financial success. Below is a list of books you should consider reading in this 2023:

1. I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi: the whole preview of this book is, It’s not about the money you make; it’s about what you do with the money that makes a difference and if you don’t know how to manage your money you’ll be living from paycheck to paycheck”

2. The 4 hour work week by Timothy ferriss: this book is designed to give you a clearer picture of what you are aiming for and how you’re going to get there. To help you think outside the box and improve in your productivity, about time and money. Most of us follow the same routine where we go to school, get a job , work very hard and Retire eventually but this work Questions that whole system why should we be working until we are 65 or 70 when we can longer enjoy that money anymore. It talks about youthful growth in your 20s and 30s he calls it mini retirement. Tips and steps on how to the new Rich life.

3. Rich Dad poor Dad by Robert kiyosaki: this a popular and top selling book for a reason; designed to teaching pure income and a business mindset about generating and building wealth and the storylines is that there are two Dad’s and their different mindset. In the book Robert Explains the mindsets that these two had when it comes to money. Schools will not teach you the things you’ll learn from this book.

4. The cashflow Quadrat by Robert kiyosaki: this is more sophisticated than “poor Dad poor Dad” here Robert goes through the key steps that he and his wife took to from being homeless to building wealth and retiring young. In this book Robert goes into the Quadrat of different ways to make money

5. Think and grow rich by Napoleon hills: it drives huge controversy, The law of Attraction, what the mind can believe the mind can Achieve. I think the first step to get anywhere is to have that believe and faith in yourself. This book has built a lot of people from scratch to great fortune and the blueprint for how anybody can become rich. It doesn’t take money to make money it takes the right mindset.

6. Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg: it’s about owning a business, being an Entrepreneur. This book provides information of how to climb up the ladder , take more risk and be more Ambitious, gain confidence, demand more and attain leadership position . This book is for women and for men that want to Achieve their goals.

The books I’ve mentioned so far are about managing your money to secure independence and secure financial Abundance. To manage your money is one part of it but also increase your income and increase your revenue.

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