Pi Network: Pioneers to Buy, Sell, and Create Digital Collections on Pi Network

Rebecca Ahoame
views : 75

The first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) marketplace, powered by Pi Chain Mall, was developed on the Pi network (PCM). The platform is one of the registered projects for the hackathon in 2023.

Users can investigate the potential of digital collections on the Pi Network using Pi NFT. Pioneers are able to build, sell, and purchase digital collections using the platform. It built a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to reveal the NFT material before presenting it to users and accepts payments via the Pi protocol.

The ground-breaking platform was developed to give people authenticity and originality while paying creators for their work. Also, the protocol would permit secondary market sales once the Pi open mainnet is operational.

The Pi NFT platform’s capacity for authors to set up a 5% copyright levy for their collections, giving them incentives for each NFT transaction, is one of its primary features.

The first of its sort on the Pi Network is Pi NFT. In order to inform global Pioneers who are a part of the Pi ecosystem about NFTs, which they are ignorant of, the protocol intends to get in touch with them while inventors are rewarded.

The platform is a component of the ongoing hackathon, as was previously announced. Thus, users who want to understand more about the features of the hackathon project can watch the project video. Below is a link to watch it:

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform allowing mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining the battery. Pi’s blockchain secures economic transactions via a mobile meritocracy system and a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (Dapps) for millions of users.

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