T.I Ukende
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The people of Jemgbagh; kinsmen to Minister for Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs, Senator George Akume have lamented that since the outburst of the Senator against the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, the people of the area have been labelled as traitors.

Jemgbagh Unity Forum is made up of the people of Buruku, Gboko as well as Tarka Local Government Area (LGA) of the state, where Senator Akume hails from.

A spokesperson for the group, Yandev Amabai who disclosed this at a press conference in Makurdi, over the weekend said “We owe our people an important duty to wade into issues that threaten the very existence of our land and Benue state in general.

“We have watched with dismay and disappointment, the recent conduct of one of our prominent sons, the honourable minister of special duties and intergovernmental affairs, Senator George Akume and we feel the need to make our position known on the disturbing issue.

“Senator George Akume addressed a press conference in Abuja which was full of malice and vilification of the Executive Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom. Akume levelled a number of unprovoked and verbal attacks and accusations against the person and office of the Governor.

“We found the outing of the Minister condemnable and unacceptable! Jemgbagh people are not known for such despicable acts. Akume has put the entire Jemgbagh in disrepute and we won’t tolerate it anymore.

“Since his infamous press conference, any Jemgbagh person seen in any part of the country is considered a traitor and one who hates the progress of others.”

He further stated that “Despite accepting the fact that Senator Akume’s Abuja inglorious outing was akin to him fishing in familiar troubled waters, it is still inconceivable that he could descend to the depths of the moral abyss by engaging in utter blackmail, backstabbing and outright name-calling against Governor Ortom.

“The allegation that the Governor is disrespectful to President Muhammadu Buhari is the most preposterous of the whole of Senator Akume’s legion of allegations levelled against the Governor. Akume claims that Ortom never respects Buhari who is older than the Governor, alluding that the Governor has been insulting Mr President.

“However, it is curious that the Prosecutor – in – Chief, Senator Akume failed to point out the insults. He who alleges is expected to prove.

“Two pertinent questions beg for answers here: When has calling on the President to uphold his oath of office of protecting lives and property become a sign of disrespect?; When has spoken out against well-coordinated genocidal attacks of one’s people become insults?

“For the avoidance of doubt, President Buhari as the Commander-in-Chief constitutionally controls all the states’ coercive forces and superintends over the whole nation.

“The buck of providing security stops at his table. And as such, for Governor Ortom, and any of the state governors; at the supreme mercy of Mr. President calling on him to live up to his constitutional responsibility can only be construed as an affront by a political hireling, desperate to massage the ego trip of his demigod to be allowed to continue to scoop the pot of porridge.

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