T.I Ukende
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It’s no secret that eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables can help you improve your health. however, we can often get caught in the monotony of choosing the same ones over again, like apples and blueberries. But while the summer is still in full swing, we want you to know about the benefits of cantaloupe and how it can help you boost your immunity, improve your skin health, and even protect your eyesight!

Cantaloupe Benefits For Your Health

Cantaloupe is a type of melon with ribbed skin and orange flesh. When they’re in-season (during the summer) and ripe, they’re juicy and have a semi-sweet taste. Cantaloupes are packed with nutrients that boost your health in so many ways, and having them in your diet can help you ward off health conditions and disease.

For one, cantaloupes are 90 percent water (which is almost as juicy as a watermelon), and they’re naturally packed with electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. That classifies cantaloupe as a top hydrating food , helping to nourish your cells with much-needed H2O — especially on those hot summer days.

What’s perhaps most notable about cantaloupe’s nutrient profile is the amount of beta-carotene it contains: about 5,276 IU in a cup. Beta-carotene is the nutrient that gives cantaloupe it’s bright orange color, and when eaten, it either turns into vitamin A or into a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radical damage to our cells. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for eye and skin health , as it’s involved in the growth and repair of new tissues. Antioxidant beta-carotene has also been shown to help protect the eye from damage , and may potentially ward off conditions like macular degeneration, or age-related vision loss.

You’ll also exceed your daily dose of vitamin C if you eat a one-cup serving of cantaloupe. As you might already know, vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients (and another antioxidant) for immune health . It helps our white blood cells function more effectively, and prevents harmful free-radical damage. Not only that, but vitamin C is also involved in our production of collagen — the protein which gives our skin its structure and elasticity. That means getting more of it in your diet can help you sidestep signs of aging on your skin!

On top of all of these benefits, cantaloupes also contain high amounts of fiber , which is an important nutrient for digestive function and gut health . It’s packed with folate, also known as vitamin B9, too, which may help ward off age-related memory loss and even certain types of cancers .

Overall, this fruit is definitely one that you want to add to your plate! With all the nutrients packed into this one tasty treat, you won’t mind doing something this great for your overall health in the long term.

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