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Seamless and Secure: A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Pi Coin on Huobi P2P Platform (Only Pi IOU)

Angela Beckham
views : 243

If you’re a Pi Coin holder looking to sell your crypto on Huobi, you’re in luck! Huobi P2P is a peer-to-peer platform that allows you to exchange your Pi Coin for fiat currency quickly and securely, with zero fees. In this article, we’ll show you how to sell Pi Coin on Huobi using the step-by-step tutorial provided by the platform.

Pi Coin holders must ensure that they have completed their KYC and migrated their Pi Coins to the mainnet before selling to avoid any delays or potential loss of funds. KYC, or Know Your Customer, is a process of verifying the identity of the user, which is a requirement by many regulatory bodies. Migrating Pi Coins to the mainnet means transferring them from the testnet to the actual blockchain, ensuring the safety of the coins.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sell Pi Coin on Huobi P2P:

1. Enter Huobi Apps and click the avatar in the upper left corner to access your account settings.

2. Log in to your Huobi account or sign up if you don’t have one.

3. Click on “Buy Crypto” after logging in.

4. Select “Sell” and choose Pi Coin as the cryptocurrency you want to sell.

5. Choose your preferred price and payment method, then click “Sell.”

6. Enter the total amount of money or Pi Coin you want to sell within 45 seconds and click “Order.”

7. Confirm your order by entering your fund password.

8. Wait for the buyer to make the payment through the provided payment method. If there are any issues, you can use the “Contact Buyer” button to communicate.

9. Once the buyer has transferred the money, they will mark the order as “Paid.” Check your account to ensure you have received the payment. If you have, click on “I have received payment.” If not, ask the buyer for the transfer slip.

10. Confirm that you have received the money and release the Pi Coin to the buyer.

11. Enter your fund password again for confirmation.

12. After the order is completed, you can either go back to the homepage or check the details of the order. The crypto in your Fiat Account will be deducted as you have successfully sold it.

By following these steps, Pi Coin holders can sell their crypto on Huobi P2P conveniently and securely. Remember to complete the necessary steps, including KYC and migrating Pi Coins to the mainnet, before proceeding with the sale to ensure a smooth transaction process.

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