REPORT: CoreDAO token $CORE traded for $0.05 on Uniswap V3

Rebecca Ahoame
views : 75

According to TradingView, the CoreDAO token CORE traded for $0.05 on Uniswap V3 on January 18. Potential investors are eager to join the bandwagon though, as the new coin undergoes a series of listings, in order to avoid a further increase in the CoreDAO price.

Additionally, as can be seen on the chart below, the Core token price ended the day 300% higher than it had been earlier in the day, suggesting that there may be additional gains in the hours to come.

The Huobi listing of CoreDAO could hasten price growth.

One of the top cryptocurrency exchanges is Huobi, which has millions of users and a daily trading volume of almost $400 million. A Huobi listing is thus a sought-after catch for any new cryptocurrency.

Huobi’s Core DAO listing won’t be an exception. On January 17, information on the beginning of trading was announced. The exchange claimed that while the CoreDAO token deposits are already open, trading won’t begin until they “meet the minimal liquidity requirements.”

Source: A screenshot of the Huobi listing announcement

Investors in CORE tokens received more good news with the CoreDAO listing on BitMart

Huobi wasn’t the first exchange to express interest in the CoreDAO coin, either. Additionally, the BitMart exchange in Singapore listed the CORE token. The functionality would launch on January 21, according to the early January 18 release.

Additionally, CoreDAO was listed on cryptocurrency asset tracker CoinMarketCap. The latter, though, offers no pricing information since “the pool has very limited liquidity.”

Source: A screenshot of the Bitmart listing announcement

The CoreDAO Mainnet went live on January 14. The team then wrote a blog post outlining their future plans. The team tweeted, “A Turing complete, EVM-compatible blockchain that has been gradually hardened by Bitcoin mining hash power is here.

What is Core DAO?

Core DAO is the official decentralized organization developing the Satoshi Plus ecosystem. It represents an opportunity for miners to access new revenue streams by contributing hash power to the chain. Inspired by the principles of both blockchains, Core displays a deep appreciation for the history of the crypto ecosystem paired with an even greater excitement for Core’s role in its future.

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