PI NETWORK UPDATE: Reasons why any PI PRICE OR Global Consensus Value (GCV) Should not be called SCAM

Abigail Ukende
views : 503

Nickolas Kokkalis and other creative technologists built Pi Network, the largest blockchain network in the world. With over 35 million pioneers worldwide, the Pi network has the largest community in the cryptocurrency world.

Despite this, there have been numerous online debates regarding the Pi GCV, which stands for a price that is generally accepted by all pioneers. The most popular GCV for the pi today is $314,159 for just one pi. A moderator recently declared that this GCV is a scam, which caused a lot of pioneers to jettison it and create a lot of havoc.

Let’s analyze this. To start, the Pi Core Team didn’t say anything along those lines, and in my opinion, the Moderator was merely expressing his opinions. As a result, in this case, a Moderator is not the Decision Maker. Additionally, the Founder has repeatedly stated that Pioneers will set the Price, so would you rather listen to the Moderator or the Founder Himself?

Since it is well known that the pi core team won’t interfere with the pi pricing, the moderator’s public accusation of the GVC as scam is utterly inappropriate.

Pi is a network for regular people with a unique ecosystem, and I have high hopes for this vibrant pi community to justify the cost.

This is a gentle reminder that the pi network will be worth what its pioneers make it worth and that there is no reason to criticize any value for the time being until open mainnet, which is just around the corner. GCV is only an aspiration for the global community to support the pi network and there is no element of scam there, so it is incorrect to label it a scam.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform allowing mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining the battery. Pi’s blockchain secures economic transactions via a mobile meritocracy system and a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (Dapps) for millions of users.

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  • My take here is, how & what do you use to calculate this hocus price and how can that be. Are you kidding me? Do you try to make pioneers more happier than should? To me it’s better to hope for a little while latter stumbling on much than the reverse being the order.

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