Open mainnet: More Expectations from Pioneers as part of efforts toward Open Network

Angela Beckham
views : 68

The Pi Core Team is working hard to build the Pi Ecosystem, and they are urging Pioneers to contribute in a variety of ways. The three main processes that the team is asking Pioneers to participate in are:

  1. Developing utility Pi apps,
  2. Becoming an Ecosystem Ambassador, and,
  3. Becoming a Local Business Ambassador.

Developing utility Pi apps is a great way for Pioneers to contribute to the Pi Ecosystem. Utility Pi apps are mobile web applications that are designed to make life easier for Pi users. Any pioneer with strong products vision and clear roadmap to build a Pi app that can lead to Pi utility, can partner with developers in the network through Brainstorm or Chat or outside of the network, of which case, it could be the local environment of yours to start building a Pi app. These apps can range from simple tools to more complex programs that can help Pi users with a variety of tasks such as in the area of entertainment, education, social interaction, consumer utilities, or any interesting thing a Pioneer has in mind. By developing these apps, Pioneers can help make the Pi Network more useful and user-friendly.

The Pi Core Team is also asking Pioneers to become Ecosystem Ambassadors. The thing is, a Pioneer may not have the technical skills in the area of app development, however, there is still room to contribute to ecosystem building through ecosystem program. The function of ecosystem ambassadors are to keenly identify, reach out to and engage with app developers within your networks to enable building Pi apps, and in return for this effort, you get Pi coin.

More so, the more apps a Pioneer brings on board, the more Pi coin he makes. More on this will be revealed later.

 “If possible, you can even run your own hackathon!” -according to the Core Team.

Finally, the Pi Core Team is asking Pioneers to become Local Business Ambassadors.

It is already acknowledged that businesses in some part of the world are making use of Pi as means of payment for goods and services. So, “the diversity of people, geographies, and goods and services Pi transactions represent is a beautiful tapestry worthy of a proud network.”-CT.

These Ambassadors will help to promote the use of the Pi Network in local businesses. They will help to educate local businesses about the benefits of using the Pi Network and how it can help them to increase their profits. By doing this, they can help to create a larger and more vibrant Pi Ecosystem. More updates on this too.

In conclusion, apart from serving as a KYC validator for example, the Pi Core Team is asking Pioneers to contribute to the Pi Ecosystem in a variety of ways. By developing utility Pi apps, becoming an Ecosystem Ambassador, and becoming a Local Business Ambassador, Pioneers can help to create a larger and more vibrant Pi Ecosystem.

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