Nigeria not found on the list of top six economies of Africa; Here is the full list

T.I Ukende
views : 32

The world economy was upset in 2020, because of the flare-up of the Coronavirus pandemic, which stopped monetary exercises in many nations, with Africa not excluded from the slump.

In 2020, various African nations fell into financial downturn including Nigeria, notwithstanding, the rundown of top economies per capita, remains genuinely unaltered contrasted with the earlier year.

As per information acquired from the World Bank, the Sub-Saharan African economy declined by 2.45% in 2020 from $1.85 trillion recorded in 2019 to $1.81 trillion. Additionally, the center East and North Africa locale recorded a 3.66% compression in its economy to a total of $3.37 trillion.

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With the need to continually screen the presentation of the world economies corresponding to Nigeria, Nairametrics investigations the top economies on the African landmass dependent on their GDP per capita in 2020 and their exhibition year-to-date dependent on accessible information.

Here are the main 6 Economies in Africa 2022

South Africa – $5,090.72

Position – sixth

President Cyril Ramaphosa captured in April 2019 during a tour of the plant where the new Navara will be built. Image: moneyweb

South Africa is the second-biggest economy in Africa, second just to Nigeria with an expected populace of over 59.3 million individuals. It brags of a GDP for every capita of $5,090.72 to remain in 6th position. The country’s GDP per capita declined by 15.8% from $6,001.4 recorded in the former year.

This suggests that a normal person in South Africa recorded an expected result of $5,090.72 in 2020. In the interim, the country’s GDP developed by 1.1% in genuine terms in the principal quarter of 2021.

As per the measurements branch of the Republic of South Africa (STATSSA) the money, mining and exchange enterprises were the fundamental drivers of result on the creation (supply) side of the economy, while family spending and changes in inventories helped prod development on the consumption (request) side.

Botswana – $6,710.99

Position – fifth

A woman displays groceries in an open market. Image Credit:

Botswana, a country in the focal point of Southern Africa with a populace of 2.35 million individuals, recorded the fifth most elevated GDP per Capital in Africa at $6,710.99. The country’s GDP in 2020 remained at $17.18 billion, addressing a 7.89% decay contrasted with $18.65 billion recorded in the earlier year.

Along these lines, its GDP per capita recorded a 15.8% decay from a total of $7,970 imprinted in 2019.

In the interim, reports show that on a yearly premise, Botswana’s genuine GDP development kept on deteriorating because of the effect of COVID-19 pandemic. Genuine GDP shrunk by 8.6% year-on-year in Q1 2021.

Gabon – $7,005.88

Position – fourth

Group of trucks carrying timber in Gabon, image Credit:breakbulk

Gabon, a country on the west shore of Africa gloats of being the fourth most elevated economy in Africa dependent on GDP per individual with $7,005.88 and an expected populace of 2.23 million individuals dependent on information acquired from the World Bank.

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The most recent figure addresses a 9.8% decay when contrasted with $7,767.02 recorded in the earlier year, having recorded a 1.32% compression in GDP worth to remain at $19.67 billion.

The decrease is couple with the slump recorded by most economies of the world, because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Equatorial Guinea – $7,143.24

Position – third

Malabo, Equatorial Guinea: view over the modern Malabo Motorway / Autopista de Malabo – GEPetrol tower on the left. Phone and caption credit:

Central Guinea recorded a GDP for each capita of $7,143.24 in 2021, addressing the third most noteworthy on the African landmass in the survey time frame.

The country’s GDP per capita declined by 15.2% contrasted with $8,419.93 recorded in the first year because of the 4.89% decrease in the total GDP. Its GDP remained at $11.88 billion in the period under survey.

Tropical Guinea is a little country on the west shoreline of the African landmass with an expected populace size of 1.4 million individuals.

Mauritius – $8,622.68

Position – second

Kalaisson Temple, Port Louis, Mauritius. Image Credit:

Second on the rundown is Mauritius, with an expected GDP for every capita of $8,622.68. This is 22.3% lower than $11,097.59 recorded in 2019.

Mauritius is a subtropical island country in the Indian Ocean, a little more than 1,130 kilometers east of Madagascar, off the south-eastern shore of Africa.

Its total GDP in 2021 remained at $11.74 billion, addressing 14.87% decrease contrasted with $13.79 billion recorded in 2019.

Seychelles – $11,425.09

Position – first

Stunning view of Eden island, Mahe, Seychelles. Image Credit:

Seychelles is a nation situated in the Indian Ocean which, somewhere in the range of 480 and 1,600 km from the east shore of Africa. It has an expected populace of 98,462, one of the most minimal on the African landmass. Its GDP per capita in 2020 remained at $11,425.09, addressing the most elevated recorded in Africa in the period.

Its GDP per capita recorded a critical decay of 29.5% from $16,198.52 recorded in 2019 to $11,425.09 in 2020. This is because of the 10.72% decrease in the total GDP in the period. The country’s GDP remained at $1.24 billion in the audit time frame.

Notwithstanding, Fitch has estimated that the country’s GDP will bounce back by a 5% development in 2021, driven by a hearty resumption of vacationer exercises, great base impacts, and upheld by expansionary financial and money related approaches.

Rising under the same list are;

Namibia – $4,211.05

Libya – $3,699.23

Egypt – $3,547.87

Eswatini – $3,415.46

Nigeria positions seventeenth in Africa regardless of its financial worth

Nigeria, the ‘monster of Africa’ and the most crowded country in the locale with more than 200 million individuals living in the nation as per World Bank gauges, gloats of being the biggest economy on the mainland with a total GDP of $468.6 billion.

African city downtown. Lagos, Nigeria. Image Credit:

Nigeria’s GDP per capita remained at $2,097.09 in 2020 to rank seventeenth on the rundown of African nations, addressing a 6% decrease contrasted with $2,229.86 recorded in the earlier year. Notwithstanding, recording the most noteworthy total GDP, it is nothing unexpected that Nigeria’s GDP per capita paints a not exactly heavenly picture as the populace size is tremendous contrasted with different nations in the district.

Prominently, Nigeria’s populace of around 206.1 million records for around 18% of the whole sub-Saharan African, which fundamentally influences the per capita yield. Nonetheless, it is no reason as the nation has the HR and energetic populace to prod critical monetary development.

In the mean time, Nigeria’s genuine GDP recorded a 5.01% development in the second quarter of 2021, generally determined by development in the exchange, ICT and power area. It was likewise prodded by a positive base period. Review that in the relating time of 2020, Nigeria’s genuine GDP declined by 6.1% year-on-year.

Note: GDP per capita is a significant metric that separates a country’s financial result for each individual and is determined by isolating the GDP of a country by its populace size.

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