Inside the story of Clifford Orji, the mad man who ate his victims

Abigail Ukende
views : 50

After returning from a night Vigil in Lagos on February 3, 1999, a young guy by the name of Joseph Bello crossed the Oshodi flyover. And as he moved past the flyover and onto the steel edge, he heard someone else singing along with him as he sang a gospel song.

He took a break from singing to point out that the song was being sung by a woman. This was strange because no one was near him, so who could this be? Later, he would identify the voice coming from beneath the flyover. It will eventually be revealed that this voice belongs to Awuwa Lawal, who was taken captive by Clifford Orji ready to be executed, roasted, and eaten. She was transported to the hospital but would ultimately pass away after a few days since she had dropped so much weight that her skeleton figures were obvious from malnutrition and dehydration.

The story wouldn’t even begin with this singing woman. When Joseph heard the singing, his curiosity wouldn’t let him leave, so he had to descend the bridge to investigate. However, when he did, he was attacked by the foul smell of a decomposing human body, and something didn’t seem quite right because the only person known to have lived under that bridge was a notorious madman who was known for chasing people around.

As he got closer, he noticed a shelter made out of car tires with smoke coming from it. Curious as he was, he had to go take a look, and what he saw there would change his life.

Roasting human limbs was what it was. In order to invite additional guests, he had to go. Finally, the mob managed to apprehend Clifford Orji. Many others remembered witnessing him consume meat, which they were unaware was human meat. Further fried, roasted, decaying, and even bronzed human remains were found as the hunt for the area continued.

During his arrest, several items were found in his possession, including a phone and a cheque for N80,000—at the time, this was a sizeable lot of money, and a phone was a large, pricey piece of equipment. According to reports, Olusegun Obasanjo, the former president of Nigeria, was the only person to own one of these devices in 1998. In turn, the plot evolved. He would soon admit that wealthy and powerful people had supported his dubious Act.

The video below will give more details to this story 👇🏿



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