The largest grocery chain in South Africa, “Pick -n- Pay, has apparently become the first business in the region to accept Lumi currency as a form of payment for its goods.
Since the deadline of October 1st, this is actually the first time the Lumi Currency has been integrated into the national economy. The ECO-6 authorities have stated that they will apply their Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), which outlines principles for integrating it’s digital currency into any regional or national economy.
Speaking during a visit to the shop, the Head of the ECO-6 Chief Timothy Elisha McPherson said, It is a revolutionary experience and the first of its kind since the Lumi Currency was created and adopted by the ECO-6.
The video below shows how the team or envoy arrived the Pick -N- Pay National grocery provider shop in South Africa. Watch the video below to understand more 👇🏿👇🏿