ECO-6 LUMI: Reasons why you can’t access your Swiffin account

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Things haven’t been going well with the Swiffin platform for the past four months which has prompted users to begin to think the platform is not as real as it has been projected by the media.

However, this is far from your thoughts because Swiffin is a genuine and reliable platform for digital transactions.

Inasmuch as lumi beneficiaries are lamenting about their inability to access their lumi wallets. That does not mean Swiffin is not a reliable digital platform.

Why can’t I access my Swiffin account?

The actual reality is that, Swiffin does not deactivate your account neither does ECO-6 stops paying your lumi stimulus but rather the company has embarked on serious technical upgrade that when it’s finally restored beneficiaries will begin to withdraw or convert Lumi from their Swiffin wallets without any huddle.

The good thing is that, payments are still ongoing and come to an end by October 28th, 2023 so beneficiaries are advised to remain patient until the platform is fully upgraded.

Stop worrying about the inability to access Lumi wallets, just keep your login details intact because as soon as the upgrade is over, good may follow suit.

Does it mean my login details are incorrect?

The technical answer to this question is that your login may be very correct but the upgrade is the reason why you can’t login at the moment.

I strongly believe this will answer most of the questions you have been asking.

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