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Chief Dr. Engr. Sylvanus Gasarah host THE MOMENT

T.I Ukende
views : 132

 Kwande Agenda 2023:


Chief Dr. Engr. Sylvanus Gasarah host THE MOMENT

A prominent son of Kwande Engr Gasarah hosted The Convener of The MOMENT/CEO and some of his team members at his Adikpo residence. 

Engr Gasarah asked to know more about the activities of the Liberation House from the Convener. 

Throwing light, Hon Boko explained that the apparent discord foisted on the people of Kwande through political shinanigans overtime have brought untold hardship to our people.  The situation, he considered as the major reason for the massive underdevelopment of Kwande and the deplorable political and social cracks.

Hon Boko insisted that, the very meaning of democracy and participatary governance has become obscure and almost largely unfashionable to the general populace.  People need to be reminded of their power and how very important they are if United in the political quest. It’s a hard job but one has to do it. Happy enough, the cooperation received so far is impressive.

EngrGasarah welcomed the Convener, Hon Boko with his team, praised the enthusiasm so far and thanked them for a job well done promising better interaction subsequently.

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