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Breaking: Pi(π) Network commence exchange today 25/08/2022

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As earlier scheduled, the Pi (π) network has commenced the exchange of it’s Pi (π) Network Coin today recording a number of transactions in some countries.

Pi (π) UNIVERSE revealed this in a tweet today on its twitter handle @Pi_UNIVERSE_VN. They stated specifically of a verified transaction which Pi (π) Network Coin was being exchanged for a Honda CR-V 1.5 prestige CVT car in Indonesia.

The transaction according to Ok Pi (π) UNIVERSE, was done at the cost of 0.158888Pi which they believe matched the concensus price of $314,159 per single Pi (π). The tweet reads:

“Contract agreement to exchange Pi with the new Honda CR-V 1.5 Prestige CVT car between two Indonesian pioneers.

The deal price 0.158888Pi matches the consensus price of $314,159/Pi.”

A twitter user Tom Anggara who confirmed the transaction affirmed that it was actually carried out in Bali town of Indonesia today.

Pi (π) UNIVERSE also backed their tweet up with Verifiable evidence of the transaction agreement document via the comment section of their tweet.

In case you are not aware

Newsway reported last week of a call for global support by some Chinese Pioneers of a consensus exchange value of $314,159 per single Pi (π). This dream according most Pioneers is actually achievable especially with this verified transaction.

Pi Network is a computerized or digital currency project that plans to keep cryptographic money mining open, as the centralization of original monetary standards like Bitcoin (BTC) has put mining beyond the scope of ordinary people.

The PI mining application goes about as a digital currency wallet, connected to a user’s cell phone number or Facebook account. Likewise with other public blockchains, the Pi blockchain will permit outside wallets to hold PI coins and submit exchanges straightforwardly to the blockchain.

The Pi Network, created by a group of Stanford University graduates, empowers users to mine PI digital currency coins utilizing its work area and cell phone applications, approving exchanges on a disseminated record.

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