BREAKING: Benue tricycle leader shot dead by unknown gunmen makurdi

T.I Ukende
views : 28
Benue tricycle leader shot dead by unknown gunmen in makurdi

The Benue tricycle leader was shot dead right in his residence around SRS junction in the north bank area of Makurdi yesterday.

Benue cast learnt that the gun men stormed the residence of the leader identified as Comr. Ordue Nyam in the afternoon and without any conversation shot at the man and vanished away without trace.
Comr. Ordue Nyam often plied the SRS – Sarwuan Tarkaa university road. The assistant secretary of the Benue Tricycle Associaion Comr. Stephen Vambe said, the man had gone to work in morning but returned home to rest before the ugly incident.

One of eye witnesses who spoke under the condition of anonymity said;
“These are hired assassins, because they shot at the man and did not care to take any thing away, arm robbers would have taken stuffs away, he had some money under his care but nobody took anything from him so it’s obvious they were hired by someone”.
We extol the security agencies to as a matter of urgency bring the perpetrators of this evil act to justice immediately.

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