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BOTH Network Faces User Complaints Over Mining App Malfunctions

Terfa Ukende
views : 909

A BOTH Network user has voiced their frustration over the newly launched mobile mining app, highlighting a significant issue that abruptly halted their mining process. The user reported,

“I signed up and started on the day the app was launched, and to my surprise, the mining just stopped and took me to 10.00 after I mined 150 plus.”

This complaint is one among several that have emerged since the app’s launch, with users experiencing various malfunctions that have affected the mining process and token accumulation.

In response to these concerns, the BOTH Network team has assured users that these issues are being addressed and will be resolved shortly. “We are aware of the problems affecting the mining process and are working diligently to fix them. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time,” the team stated.

The issues reported include incorrect token balances and disruptions in the mining activity, which have frustrated users who were eager to start accumulating BOTH tokens. Despite these setbacks, the BOTH Network team remains committed to resolving the bugs and ensuring a smoother user experience.

The team has emphasized that the extensive feedback from the community has been instrumental in identifying these issues. They are using this input to prioritize and tackle the most critical problems first. “Your feedback is crucial, and we are committed to making the necessary improvements to provide a reliable and rewarding mining experience,” the team added.

As the BOTH Network works to address these issues, users are encouraged to continue sharing their experiences and reporting any problems they encounter. This collaborative effort between the users and the development team is expected to lead to a more robust and efficient app.

The team also reassured users that once these bugs are fixed, the app will be more stable and functional. They remain optimistic that the forthcoming updates will significantly improve the overall performance and user satisfaction.

The BOTH Network’s commitment to transparency and user engagement is evident as they navigate these early challenges. By actively communicating with their community and working swiftly to resolve issues, they aim to maintain trust and confidence among their users.

As the app’s official release on the Google Playstore approaches, the BOTH Network is hopeful that these initial hurdles will be overcome, leading to a successful and smooth launch. The team is dedicated to delivering a high-quality mining app that meets the expectations of their growing user base.

For now, the community awaits the forthcoming updates and improvements, optimistic that the BOTH Network will soon provide the seamless and rewarding mining experience they were promised. Read More

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