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Yola residents currently receiving free medical care courtesy of Sam Zuga Foundation

T.I Ukende
views : 103
Sam Zuga’s nationwide free medical care lands in Yola

One of the objectives of the Sam Zuga Foundation is to make medical services accessible to all and for free.
It is in view of the above that the Foundation embarks on a nationwide free medical care. The president of the Foundation Bishop Dr. Sam Zuga and the Foundation’s medical team were in Kano throughout last week for the same purpose (offering free medical care to the people irrespective of their religious affiliations).
The Jehovah’s field marshal said he was called by God for this purpose, touching lives with positive impact.

Benuecast learnt that, in Kano last week the team offered free medical care to a large number of people with many also giving their lives to Christ.
The Foundation also repaired the road that led to it’s venue in Kano before heading to Yola, the Adamawa State capital on Saturday.

The ongoing free medical care in Yola according to the information available on the Foundation’s facebook page is taking place at the Nurses House located along Bishop’s street, Jimeta, Yola.

The public is here by invited to attend as the spirit of God awaits to provide a permanent solution to your problem. 

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