We will never support any southerner for president in 2023–Miyetti Allah

T.I Ukende
views : 32
Bello Bodejo, national leader of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore

Bello Bodejo, national leader of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, says the association won’t uphold a southern person for president in 2023.

In an interview with The Sun, Bodejo said northerners steer the nation better than their partners in the south.

“Despite the fact that Nigeria is one, we won’t uphold a southerner as president. A president from the north is better since northerners are preferred managers of the country over southerners,” he said.

“The north has exhibited that there is no distinction among them in the area. They don’t show this is Fulani, this is Hausa, and this will be various things, not at all like in the south. Northern individuals have dealt with the nation better than southerners.

“In the event that your adversary requests that you go along with him to disperse your dad’s home, would you be able to help him to break your dad’s home? You shouldn’t do that. However, assuming he dominates you and you assist him achieving that, you would cry later.

“It will be truly challenging for a southerner to oversee Nigeria the manner in which a northerner would. The northerners that are administering or overseeing were prepared by our chiefs that managed the nation previously.”

Bodejo likewise talked on the grazing routes, adding that states should return regions prior set apart for grazing reserves to herders.

“RUGA is lawmakers’ language of legislators, while Cattle colony is the language of individuals who wants to eat government’s money. We have grazing reserves,” he said.

“This large number of governors, before they were conceived, we had these grazing reserves. Some were gazetted, while others were not.

“Why they would rather not give us back the grazing reserves is what I don’t have the foggiest idea. Most recently, fourteen days ago, the governor of Jigawa welcomed me to his state and see the sort of grazing reserves they have and I stayed five days with them.”

He likewise blamed Samuel Ortom, governor of Benue, of “wading into controversy with the Fulani”.

Ortom needs to be a saint forcibly. After the finish of his administration, even to be a councilor in his town, he can’t get it. He is playing politics with the Fulanis,” Bodejo said.

“He was the first individual that started the stoppage of Fulani from grazing in their state, however we went to court to stop his malevolent plot and for that reason he is running to a great extent, requesting that Buhari should proclaim Fulani associations as terrorists.

“Which name has he not called Fulani? Nigerians ought to disregard him. He is a joker.”

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