PiFest 2023: A Week to Celebrate Pi Commerce and Community

Terfa Ukende
views : 55

Get ready to pay with Pi! Pi Network‘s PiFest is about to end, the event offering a week-long celebration of local businesses that have integrated Pi cryptocurrency into their operations. From December 6th to 11th, 2023, participating businesses proudly display a special “Pay with Pi” flier, inviting Pioneers to shop with their Pi and experience the power of this growing digital currency.

But that’s not all! The PiFest goes beyond shopping. It’s about celebrating the Pi community and highlighting the growing potential of Pi in everyday commerce. Here are some exciting highlights:

  • Shop with Pi: Discover participating businesses across your city or town and experience the convenience of paying with Pi. Look for the “Pay with Pi” flier in stores and online.
  • Pi Commerce Poll: Show off your Pi spirit! Take a picture of every “Pay with Pi” flier you see and submit it through the PiFest poll. Let’s see which country or region boasts the most Pi commerce in the world.
  • Community Engagement: Join the PiFest buzz on social media using the hashtag PiFest2023. Share your experiences, connect with other Pioneers, and spread the word about Pi’s growing real-world use cases.

PiFest is a fantastic opportunity for:

  • Pioneers: Experience the power of Pi and support businesses that embrace this innovative technology.
  • Local businesses: Attract new customers, increase brand awareness, and be at the forefront of the Pi revolution.
  • The Pi community: Celebrate the collective success and growing potential of Pi as a global currency.

So, join the celebration, and be part of the PiFest 2023 movement! Let’s showcase the strength of the Pi community and pave the way for a future where Pi becomes a widely accepted and used currency worldwide. Read Similar Story

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