PiChainMall Not Mandating Merchants to Adjust Prices in Conformity with the Consensus Value of Pi

Terfa Ukende
views : 57

In the midst of fervent calls from the global community of Pi Network pioneers to value a single Pi at $314,159, PiChainMall seems to be at odds with this idea, as most items listed on its platform do not reflect prices in line with the proposed Consensus Value. But is the proposed value too extravagant?

A survey of Pi Network’s digital mall reveals that a majority of items listed on the platform have prices that do not align with the global Consensus Value. For instance, some pioneers have expressed astonishment at the costs of items listed on the platform, such as men’s footwear priced at 59π, prickly heat powder at 105π, a ZEECOP F5 flashlight at 30π, and an earless clay bottle priced at 1314.15926π.

These observed prices deviate significantly from the expectations of the global pioneer community. Merchants are permitted to set prices for their items based on their perceived value and other market factors.

Pricing: Should Pi be Valued That Much?

A pricing system takes into account various factors, including capacity to pay, economic conditions, competition, trade margins, and input costs. There are several pricing strategies commonly employed, including cost-plus pricing, price skimming, competitive pricing, value-based pricing, and penetration pricing.

The PiChainMall development team is cognizant of these factors and is strategizing accordingly in anticipation of potential resolutions from the Pi Network Core Team.

Despite the sizable number of active users, the demand for PiCoin upon the Mainnet launch remains uncertain. The proposed valuation of one Pi may not be feasible, as there is currently no demand for PiCoin, given its availability through mining via the Pi Network app. Additionally, the substantial supply of Pi within the ecosystem may pose challenges in creating scarcity unless measures are taken to control inflation.

To facilitate PiCoin’s penetration into the crypto market, it may initially be devalued, with the potential for future valuation adjustments once demand increases.

How Did Pioneers Arrive at the $314,159 Value for Pi?

The mathematical symbol π, representing the constant value obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter, is commonly approximated as 3.14159. However, pioneers opted to value Pi in hundreds of thousands, rather than as a single unit.

Possible valuation tiers proposed include:

– 1π = $3.14

– 1π = $314

– 1π = $3,141

– 1π = $314,159

Ultimately, the determination of Pi’s value will depend on market demand and other factors.

In conclusion, while the proposed valuation of Pi at $314,159 may seem extravagant, it underscores the innovative spirit and aspirations of the Pi Network community. As discussions continue and decisions are made, the trajectory of Pi’s value will become clearer. Read Similar Story

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