Pi Network finally Completes Maintenance on the Pi Browser

Angela Beckham
views : 170

Following recent maintenance, the Pi Browser app is now operational again. The midpoint submissions deadline at the present hackathon has been extended by the mobile mining blockchain in light of the issue.

Pi News, a top-tier news outlet on the Pi Network, informed pioneers in the cryptocurrency industry of the development. Now that the Pi Browser is being maintained, participants in the ongoing hackathon can submit their video presentations by February 16th to ensure everyone has enough time.

The Pi Network midway submission is intended for the teams and project creators participating in the current hackathon. The initiative to assess participants’ progress at the midway point of the hackathon was developed by the Pi core team. Additionally, people that submit their work in accordance with the rules will receive rewards in the Pi native money.

Pioneers can once more explore the Pi Browser application’s functionality in the interim.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a novel cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining the device’s battery. Pi’s blockchain secures economic transactions via a mobile meritocracy system and a full Web 3.0 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

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