Nigerian Reggae Singer, Buchi releases new song to celebrate 57th birthday

T.I Ukende
views : 34


Buchi has been on the scene for almost two decades now. The gospel reggae singer came to limelight in 2003 when he released Mma-Mma.

The artist has since then done three other Studio albums. 

Buchi said not many who went to the places I’ve gone to are still alive, not many who did the things I’ve done are still alive today and not many who were born same day with me are still alive today so the only thing to say is to give thanks to the Almighty God.


“I’m alive by his grace because I’ve seen a lot, I did a lot as a person yet God preserved me all these years.”

Buchi tittled his new single “Cease Fire”, a song intended to preach the message of unity and love.

“How much does it cost to build a bomb? How much does it cost to buy a gun? All that money could feed a hungry family, he said’

Listen to the song through the link below

Play “Ceasefire”

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