ECO-6 LUMI Stimulus; portal now opened for a $100 grant per person per month for 3 years

T.I Ukende
views : 243

The African Union (AU) adopted the treaty establishing the ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF THE STATES, TERRITORIES AND REALMS OF THE AFRICAN DIASPORA SIXTH REGION on 1st August 2019. Many suggested that the headquarters of the 6th Region be in Kingston City, Jamaica.

However, the argument settled on siting the ECO-6’s headquarters in the village of the maroon community on the island of the Jamaica.

The LUMI is the official currency for the 6th Region of Africa (ECO-6). This currency is said to be issued by the African Diaspora Central Bank (ADCB), as well as other commercial Banks from the member States. In January 2021, the LUMI was integrated by the African Finance and Regulatory Authority (AFRA) as a legal tender for continental Africa.

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The name LUMI is derived from the word LUMINOUS which symbolizes the Sun (Ra). This is also because the currency is backed up by solar energy and gold.


The ECO-6 is issuing a LUMI economic Stimulus valued at US $100 (The equivalent of 6.26 LUMI) per person per month which shall be paid directly to their wallet for a period of three years. Which means each applicant shall be paid $1200 per year for three years.

This stimulus according to the information available on ECO-6 website is meant for all but limited only to Africans (both Diaspora and home).

Applications for this program are done via the Swifin platform either through their website or app.

To apply please click on the following link and remember to use this credentials during your registration.

Referral ID: 3272490339965391

Apply Here


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  • Is there a reason why I am my Swifin account will not recognize my username and password? I have not had this problem since I opened the account months ago.

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