ECO-6 LUMI: McPherson visits Birland State for the second time since ECO-6 invested hugely in infrastructural development fully paid in Lumi

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Ahead of the planned or scheduled conversion and integration of the Lumi Currency, the president of the Economic Community of the Sixth African Region (ECO-6) has visited the emir of Birland State His Majesty Emir Haiyawi.

McPherson is currently on a tour within and outside the African Continent to introduce the Region’s Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) with the sole aim to having Lumi accepted as a legal tender for goods and services within the Continent on or before 1st of October this year.

The outcome or details of his meeting with the king of the Birland State is not yet made public as a source close to the ECO-6 President pleaded not to be named in the publication on newsway.

King of the Birland State, Emir Haiyawi and ECO-6 President Timothy McPherson

Newsway reported earlier that, McPherson also met with the Sierra leone’s High Commissioner in the United Kingdom. He had met with the head of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria in the last few weeks.

In case you are not aware

ECO-6 authorities are planning a massive deployment of the Lumi digital currency in to all national and regional economies across the African Continent and the Diaspora this year.

In view of this, the Swiffin digital platform distributing the Lumi currency has embarked on over seven months upgrade which is expected to end before the end of September.

Swiffin users and lumi beneficiaries may buy Bitcoin or Ethereum with Lumi as new feature on the swiffin Community offers crypto trading.

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