Breaking: Swifin test-run portal and mobile App after 26 days of service outage

T.I Ukende
views : 37

The Swifin digital platform this morning tested both the portal and mobile App to check if it needs additional debugging.

Yesterday at exactly 4:30pm (Nigerian time) the Swifin mobile App opened successfully though shutdown few minutes after a successful connectivity. Proving it was only tested.

Similarly, at exactly 2:00am (Nigerian time) the portal also connected successfully but was unable to fetch the main menu fully.

This should be an excitement for the beneficiaries of the giant programme as history is about to be made.

Those who doubted the genuineness of this programme may soon see a great turn around in the annals of the African history.

Probably, a fully upgraded portal maybe live between today or tomorrow, NewsWay learnt.

More updates coming soon

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