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Other symptoms of ulcers that are not often spoken of

T.I Ukende
views : 134

Most times when we are talking about ulcers we ignore the other symptoms that accompany the sores or bruises. It is strongly believe that the most common causes of ulcers are infections with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) and may be caused by a long-term treatment of certain ailments using Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) such as naproxen sodium, ibuprofen and Diclofenac. Studies has proven that spicy food and stress do not cause peptic ulcers in any way.

Now, ulcers are bruises or sores on the wall or lining of the stomach or small intestine and sometimes even in the throat. When the sores are found in the lining of the small intestine it is referred to as duodenal ulcers. On the other hand if the ulcers are found in lining of the stomach experts referred to it as gastric ulcers and lastly, the ulcers in the throat are called esophageal ulcers.

What actually causes ulcers?

Like I have mentioned above, most ulcers are caused by bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori or simply H. Pylori. So peptic ulcers especially are caused by the stubborn bacteria so can easily be treated with antibiotics. Acids from fruits or other food varieties that we often eat can exacerbate the aggravation. We also made mention of long term treatment of certain health conditions using Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) to reduce pain but rather than just reducing the pain, they turn to cause ulcers too.

How can one know whether he or she has ulcer?

Just like other health conditions, a person may begin to notice certain symptoms prompting him or her that ulcers are present in the body. These symptoms mostly come immediately after meals or at night.

Common symptoms to look out for includes;

1. Discomfort when eating or after taking a meal. This kind of discomfort can also be experienced at nights, suggesting the presence of duodenal ulcers.

2. Always feeling satisfied even though you have eaten just a very small quantity of food.

3. Experiencing a burning sensation or dull pain in the stomach.

4. Chest pain.

What ulcer symptoms are neglected?

(I). Waist pain: Duodenal ulcers can also cause lower back pain that can often be referred to as to waist pain. Pains can be experienced around the ribs or towards the waist part of the body.

(II). Vomiting: Not only does ulcers cause stomach or abdominal pain but can also cause Vomiting or the urge to vomit (nausea). This type of ulcer is referred to as gastric ulcers. It affects the lining of the stomach.

(III) Headache: Ulcers can cause a serious headache but most times this occurs only at the exacerbated stage (perforated stage) and that is why it is often times ignored even by medical practioners.

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