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Pi Network and Pi Wallet to Integrate All Currencies, Including Neo and CBDC

Terfa Ukende
views : 132

Pi Network and Pi Wallet are developing integration of all currencies, including Neo and CBDC. This integration will allow Pi Network users to easily exchange Pi for other currencies and vice versa. It will also make it easier for developers to build Pi-based applications.

The integration is being made possible by the Typescript Wallet SDK library, which helps developers build wallet applications on Stellar quickly and easily connect to Anchors via many different Stellar protocols (SEP).

The integration is expected to be completed in early 2024. Once it is complete, Pi Network users will be able to exchange Pi for other currencies directly within the Pi Wallet. They will also be able to use the Pi Wallet to access and use a wide range of Pi-based applications.

This integration is a significant step forward for Pi Network. It will make Pi more accessible to users and developers alike, and it will help to further the adoption of Pi as a global currency.

What does this integration mean for Pi Network users?

The integration of all currencies into Pi Network and Pi Wallet will have a number of benefits for users, including:

Easier exchange of Pi for other currencies: Pi users will be able to easily exchange Pi for other currencies directly within the Pi Wallet. This will make it easier to use Pi for everyday purchases and payments.

Access to a wider range of Pi-based applications: The integration will also make it easier for developers to build Pi-based applications. This means that Pi users will have access to a wider range of Pi-based applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, and more.

What does this integration mean for Pi Network developers?

The integration of all currencies into Pi Network and Pi Wallet will also have a number of benefits for developers, including:

Easier to build Pi-based applications: The Typescript Wallet SDK library makes it easy for developers to build wallet applications on Stellar and connect to Anchors. This will make it easier for developers to build Pi-based applications.

More users for Pi-based applications: The integration will also make Pi more accessible to users. This means that there will be a larger pool of potential users for Pi-based applications.

Overall, the integration of all currencies into Pi Network and Pi Wallet is a positive development for both users and developers. It will make Pi more accessible and usable, and it will help to further the adoption of Pi as a global currency. Read More

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